The trafficO2 video pitch was published on the website of the Startup Fair
The second edition of the event – organized by Il Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24, Startuppami and Startupbusiness – will be held in Milano on June 17th.
Only one hundred startups will be granted access to the fair, which will be able to explain their projects to the visitors, investors, and businesspeople.
The winner will be the videos with the most likes on Facebook.
To vote for trafficO2’s video pitch visit the Startup Fair website, click Like and share with your friends.
Produzione Luca Savettiere
Grafica Roberto Filippi
Speaker Giulia Valenti
Audio Podington Bear – Towl | under creative common |
Attori (in ordine alfabetico)
Mauro Filippi
Federica Minia
Claudio Terzo
Si ringraziano
Antonella Cammisa
Francesco Massa