#GAMinvasion was a great success, the promotional event for the artistic and cultural assets, which took place on Sunday April 28th on which day the Invasioni Digitali; took place all over Italy. Over 50 tickets were sold and more than 100 visitors appeared in occasion of the digital invasion of the Gallery of Modern Art in Palermo, all of which shared the art works on the social networks with their smartphones and tablets.
The “invaders” went through a guided tour of GAM, specifically designed for sharing the pictures through posts on Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. The hashtag #GAMinvasion collected 263 pictures, while #invasionidigitali is up to 8569.
The success was obtained through the collaboration of partners such as: Ars Mediterranea and Iride_work in pixel, which contributed with enthusiasm and passion to the organization of the event.
A special thanks also goes to the entire staff from GAM in Palermo, who wanted to embrace and support our initiative with extreme professionalism.
Now you can invade our gallery!
(photo. Iride_work in pixel and Mauro Filippi)
Invalid Displayed Gallery
Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821