On Friday 17 and Saturday 18 at Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa in Palermo will be held Nuove Pratiche Fest, created and organized by CLAC and :duepunti on behalf of Palermo Municipality within the program of “Cantieri del Contemporaneo”. At the core of this event there is a reflection on the theme of cultural innovation and therefore the operators in this field have been invited for a series of encounters and debates. During the festival there will be a workshop entitled “To be or not to be (vogliamo vivere)” to which PUSH, represented by Giorgia Teresi and Alessia Torre will take part. In this workshop, curated by Sociolab, cultural operators and social innovatorsi will meet to discuss various topics, such as the relation between the private and public sectors in the cultural ambit, the cultural entrepreneurship, or the new forms of sustainability. These exchanges aim at the elaboration of some prompts for the discussion in the final round-table.
The participation to the workshop is free but registration is mandatory. Free admission for all the other events in the program, which can be browsed online here.
Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821