In order to develop the project “trafficO2 – Social Network for Sustainable Mobility” – PON04a3_00451 – CUP B65I12000430005, the no-profit organization PUSH (C.F. 97285820821,...
From today until Friday 27 February we shall be in Rome for Crew (Creative Economy Week), a week of study, research, and educational activities...
“A Scuola di OpenCoesione” (ASOC) is an innovative, interdisciplinary educational project addressed to all Italian high schools, stemming from an agreement...
On Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 February, the town of Villafranca near Verona will host a boot camp dedicated to the relation between smart...
Double appointment in Bruxelles for PUSH: today and tomorrow Salvatore Di Dio and Domenico Schillaci will participate to two important meetings on smart cities....
Il 21 febbraio si terrà in 38 città in tutto il mondo la giornata internazionale dell’Architettura dell’Informazione (WIAD), promossa dall’Information Achitecture Institute con lo...
Sabato 27 dicembre, nell’ambito del progetto “Natale con i Miei” promosso dall’associazione culturale “90100”, PUSH parteciperà all’evento “La festa del giardino incantato” che si terrà...
Oggi PUSH sarà a Washington per partecipare alla BECC (Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference) una conferenza giunta alla sua ottava edizione dedicata all’analisi dei comportamenti e...
Today, 17 November 2014, the new SUVChallenge (with SUV standing for “Sustainable Urban Values), the contest awarding the sustainable mobility of the students of...
trafficO2 si aggiudica il Social Innovation AROUND Award come miglior progetto nella categoria “Cultura di Impresa”. Il premio è stato indetto all’interno della prima...
The Smart Mobility World, a crucial European event for the XXI century world of mobility, will be held on 12-14 November in Turin at...
Another success for Palermo On Tour: this app, which allow the planning of geo-localized touristic itineraries depending on the at one’s disposition, has won...
On 29-30 October, in Vienna, there will be the Pioneers Festival, an event dedicated to technology and science and involving those businesses working in...
Also this year at SMAU Milan was held the Mob App Awards 2014, where the best apps addressed to consumers and businesses and those...
The Urban Thinkers Campus will be held in Caserta at the Belvedere di San Leucio on 15-18 October. This is an initiative of the...
Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821