• #ART


Photography exhibition by Valentino Bellini

Bit Rot Project is a large on­going photographic work by Valentino Bellini, presented in the spaces of PUSH during CONTEMPORANEA, a weekend of meetings about contemporary art, photography and citizenship. Designed by Ars Mediterranea and curated by Giusi Affronti, Contemporanea aims to draw a new map of the city through places of production and the use of contemporary visual culture. Museums, galleries, cultural non-for­profit organizations and home­studio of artists participated in the network with a big program of events.

The work of Valentino Bellini investigates and documents the disposal of electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) in Ghana, India, Pakistan and China: a phenomenon which still requires much awareness and knowledge. Bit Rot is a colloquial term used in the computerized information systems environment to indicate the gradually decaying of data stored on storage medias or software over the duration of time. In this case, the concept is transposed from a virtual reality, made of bit and software, to a material one, made of real people, things and places.

The exhibition, made by fifty prints, a video projection and two in­depth info texts, was open to the public for two weeks (three days a week) and reported a turnout of over 200 visitors.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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