Farm Bombing EXPO Edition




Seed bombs to rebuild the cities of tomorrow.

In occasion of EXPO Milano 2015, PUSH and Orto Capovolto, in collaboration with FARM Cultural Park, presented FarmBombing: a project that links guerrilla gardening to service design, urban strategy and social innovation. After a positive experience in Favara (Sicily) in May 2015, FarmBombing brought in Milan its fair share of vegetable weapons to bomb polluted cities with few green spaces: seed bombs easy to plant, locate, cultivate and safeguard in a collaborative way thanks to the geolocation and the online mapping of the buds.

For three days, in front of the Sicilian pavilion at the EXPO Milano, we have been distributing about 500 free bombs of selected seeds with the aim of producing benefits for the cities. We have choosen 6 different mix of seeds with positive properties and benefits for the cities and their citizens. The six green bombs produce plants and essences able to shoo mosquitos away, to attract bees, to repel maggots and parasites, to perfume the surrounding area, to color anonymous spaces and, why not, also to bring a bit of Sicily out of the island. Throw a bomb is a small but significant bottom-up step to recapture urban spaces: a personal contribution to improve the living conditions of our habitat.

Green bombs are not designed to destroy but to build; this is the reason why you can buy them by contributing with a donation to the crowdfunding campaign organized by FARM Cultural Park in order to support the realization of the first Children’s Museum of Sicily. By ordering a kit of bombs you contribute directly to leave a donation to the fundraising of the museum: in a single gesture you will contribute to the improvement of the environment and you will give a dream to many kids.

During the three days of distribution of seed bombs at EXPO we got more than 400 registrations from over 20 different nationalities. The results of the first launches are visible on the site map. The donations have been fully add to the funds of the crowdfunding campaign for the Children’s Museum of FARM Cultural Park.

Cities need green to regenerate their abandoned and forgotten places. Each place of course has its own climate and temperature but the mix of seeds that can help to improve it are really unlimited.



Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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