MUV – Mobility Urban Values





Improving urban mobility is a game with MUV

From 2017 to 2020, PUSH will guide a consortium of 14 partners from 8 different countries in Europe – Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain – in a research project aimed to change commuting habits through a game that mixes digital and physical experiences.

MUV (Urban Mobility Values) levers behavior change in local communities using an innovative approach to improve urban mobility. The project aims to increase citizens’ awareness on the quality of the urban environment in order to promote the shift towards more sustainable and healthy mobility choices.
Mobility solutions will be open, co-created with a strong learning community of citizens and stakeholders through workshops and piloted in a set of six different neighborhoods in six EU cities – Buitenveldert in Amsterdam (NL), Sant Andreu in Barcelona (ES), Muide / Meulested in the harbour of Ghent (BE), the historic county of Fundao (PT), Jätkäsaari in Helsinki (FI) and the historic centre of Palermo (IT).

The innovative approach used in MUV fosters sustainable mobility through a mix of different methods: co-creation, game dynamics, incentives, rewards, new forms of communication, artistic design, ICT, data analysis and open governance.
Rather than focusing on costly and rapidly ageing urban infrastructures, MUV chooses to rely on the engagement of local communities in order to better translate citizens’ needs in new solutions and services able to improve cities’ quality of life.
The solution will include a mobile app tracking users’ daily routes and assigning points for sustainable behaviours and a network of sensing stations measuring the impact on the involved urban areas.

MUV builds on the experience of trafficO2, a research-action project co-funded in 2012 by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and implemented in Palermo.
Thanks to the encouraging results of trafficO2, MUV was selected to be part of the Hyper Island and Google startup acceleration programme “30 Weeks” (January 2016) and was presented by PUSH during the United Nations Habitat III Conference in Quito (October 2016).
MUV project has been funded in 2017 by the European Union through the Horizon2020 call Mobility for Growth managed by the Executive Agency INEA. The project is part of the European network CIVITAS, the initiative to promote sustainable and innovative transport in European cities.

After being tested in the six above mentioned cities, MUV mobility solutions will be spread to more urban contexts and communities through ad-hoc Open Calls launched during the second and third year of the project. The approach is thus scalable and can be easily used in other cities. The involvement of users during all the design and testing phases allow to adapt the solution to new communities with different characteristics and needs.


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