Tweet 4 Score




Tweet4Score calculates the Twitter influence of players and teams of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil

Internet users increasingly use social networks to comment live on the most important events, such as happenings, shows or sports competitions. In this context the beginning of the World Cup Brazil 2014 came up as a unique opportunity to imagine a project able to take advantage of the global reach of a worldwide media event and its echo on one of the most popular social networks, Twitter.

Tweet4Score is a social listening project, halfway between the game and the analysis tool.
The experiment consisted of measuring the Twitter popularity of the more than 700 players who have represented their own country at the 2014 FIFA Football World Cup by giving each of them, and their team, a score, expressed in points out of 100, named T4S index.
Furthermore, in order to study the interaction of users on the “140 characters” social network during the course of the games, every match has been analyzed by counting the tweets in real time made by the fans. To increase the website engagement, the real score was put side by side with a Social Score, calculated according to the number of tweets in favor of either team. Users can therefore affect the match result by supporting their favorite team through mentions, hashtags and hashflag.

It’s been designed an ad-hoc algorithm able to measure the level of popularity of the national teams and their players. The index is updated on daily basis and takes into account the activity made in the last 30 days; it is based on three aspects: popularity, engagement and reach.

Launched during the 2014 World Cup, Tweet4Score has demonstrated to have all the necessary requirements to become a useful analytical tool through which to describe the big media events by studying the evolution of the popularity of the protagonists and the effect produced by the interaction of users on social networks.


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