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Dopo il successo di Palermo onTour, l’app che permette di pianificare tour personalizzati nel capoluogo siciliano, premiata dal Google Developers Group Sicilia e allo Smau come miglior progetto legato al turismo, PUSH. presenta Open Tour.

L’applicazione per smartphone, lanciata in esclusiva a Milano, permette di creare degli itinerari su misura sfruttando gli Open Data, dati liberamente accessibili a tutti e caratterizzati da licenze di distribuzione che ne permettono la fruizione e diffusione da parte degli utenti.  È disponibile per i dispositivi Android e scaricabile gratuitamente dal Play Store.

Semplice e intuitivo il suo funzionamento: indicando il tempo a propria disposizione, il proprio punto di partenza e cosa si è interessati a visitare, l’app genererà un percorso turistico personalizzato, fornendo informazioni utili sui luoghi da visitare e – naturalmente – una mappa.  Grazie agli Open Data l‘algoritmo sviluppato da PUSH è in grado inoltre di calcolare in quanto tempo è possibile raggiungere un qualunque sito e se questo sarà aperto e visitabile al proprio arrivo.

Pensando inoltre ai turisti che spesso non dispongono di una connessione internet all’estero, l’app – disponibile anche in inglese – funziona perfettamente offline.

Open Tour però è soprattutto un progetto collaborativo: attraverso un meccanismo basato sulla condivisione dei contenuti, è pensata per essere disponibile per infinite città. Chiunque infatti attraverso il sito può candidarsi per realizzare il dataset della propria città contribuendo alla crescita e alla diffusione dell’app.



Today, 17 November 2014, the new SUVChallenge (with SUV standing for “Sustainable Urban Values), the contest awarding the sustainable mobility of the students of the Università di Palermo, has been launched.

By moving on foot, by bike or vehicle pooling, it is possible, via an app, to accumulate O2 points allowing the students to win the prizes raffled out by the partners in the project.

This challenge is an occasion for the over-500 students who have joined the competition to test the app in advance and to actively contribute to its development.

Parallel to the community of UNIPA students, for the first time another, smaller, one will be created by invitation, comprising all those who are interested in testing the app exclusively.

The app is available for iOs and Android devices and is now at its fourth release.

For info, please refer to

Another success for Palermo On Tour: this app, which allow the planning of geo-localized touristic itineraries depending on the at one’s disposition, has won the second prize of “ApPalermo, Palermo Open Data Contest”. 

The contest was launched by Palermo Municipality with the objective of promoting the development apps based on Open Data provided by the Municipality itself. As a consequence, the public could have an easier access to a massive deal of information and the number and quality of the digital services for the citizens and the tourists could improve.

Palermo On Tour that besides creating customized intineraries, provides useful information to the tourists and can be also accessed offline, lived up to the competition, winning the second prize: 5,000 EUR that will be reinvested to improve the app functionality. On the website of Palermo Municipality it is possible to access to the list of prizewinners.


The app Palermo On Tour has recently worn the Mob App Awards 2014 in the category Travels and Tourism and also the first prize at the Android App Festival. 


The app is available for Android and downloadable for free on Play Store.


The first edition of the Android App Festival, took place on May 11, at Palazzo Armao in Santo Stefano di Camastra (ME). A completely free event, dedicated to developers and to all the Android fans. 

The Android App Festival is a contest organized by the four Sicilian Google Developer Group (Palermo, Catania, Nebrodi e Gela), with the purpose of spreading knowledge about developing technologies for devices based on Android operating system.

The rich program was split in two main parts: the first part was dedicated to the presentation of the 24 competing app, five slides in five minutes; the afternoon, on the contrary, was much more technical and it included alternating training sessions and seminars about technologies used for Android.

PUSH, represented by Angelo Marchesin, took part in the contest, winning the first place by submitting Palermo ONTour- an OpenData based app that schedules city tours accordingly to the time that any user has got.

A part from the great satisfaction for the victory, several awards were assigned, including a Google Nexus 7, an annual subscription to GitHub and 2 months as guests at the Working Capital Accelerator, in Catania.

Palermo onTour is already available for free on Play Store.

Download it and let us know your feedbacks!

PUSH is in a partnership with Open House Roma, the annual event- organized by the Association Open City Roma- that in a weekend gives free access to hundreds of buildings, remarkable for their architectural and artistic peculiarities. Particular attention is paid to modern and contemporary heritage, without ignoring the historical one.

The event is totally free and it makes possible the visit to all the scheduled places and events, thanks to guided tours organized by the designers and by the architecture students of Rome Universities. 

Furthermore, there will be pedestrian, cycle tours and special events aimed at discovering the hidden treasures of the Capital: these spaces are usually closed to public fruition because of their daily functions.

The App created by PUSH, will allow visitors to plan their tours during the two days of the event.

Each user will be able to explore the list of all the scheduled locations and events, sorting them accordingly to the distance measured by georeferenziation and filtering them accordingly to needs and preferences (historic period, author, date and opening hours, etc.)

They will have the opportunity to consult also technical fact sheets of each location, add them as “favourites”, book the visit and share their own experience on social networks.

The App is available both for iOS and Android devices.

For more info

PUSH takes part in the contest “ApPalermo, Palermo Open Data Contest”– promoted by the Municipality of Palermo– presenting its OpenData based app, which is able to schedule a city tour, according to the time that any user has got.

It’s a simple and innovative mechanism: by indicating starting point, interests, transport and available time, the app schedules a personalized georeferenced touristic tour, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises. The app itself, indeed, automatically shows all the open and available places within the selected time frame. It’s basically a comprehensive guide, at your fingertips, available even offline, useful to find out the most interesting places to visit and to move easily around the territory.

The tour includes the map, all the addresses and corrisponding distances, together with additional info such as opening hours, ticket prices and useful contacts. For each location there is a fact sheet full of curiosities and many tips to improve your city tour.

This initiative launched by the Municipality of Palermo is in line with the organization’s policies, because it aims at facilitating the access to public information and to improve transparency of data, increasing number and quality of digital services, available for citizens and tourists.

Palermo on Tour, currently available for Android devices, is already freely downloadable in Play Store. The iOs version will be soon implemented.

Droidcon the world event dedicated to  Android developers, makes a stop in Italy.After London, Paris, Berlin, and other European capitals, it will finally arrive in Turin, on 6-7 February 2014.

Our Pushers, Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva and Andrea Tosatto will take part to the event, organized by Synesthesia and sponsored, among others, by the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella.

This two-day of talks, hackatons, and conferences scheduled at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, will be a unique occasion to meet other developers, geeks, and amateurs, and to exchange views, experiment, and stay updated with all the new technologies offered by Android for the creation and development of apps on mobile devices.

Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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