Posts Tagged ‘foundation arrigo e pia pini’

The experience launched through “Palermo Città Aumentata” is landing in the suburbs of Milan.

Thanks to the Municipality of Milan and its call “Bando alle periferie” that recently funded 14 cultural projects in the areas of Giambellino-Lorenteggio, Adriano-Padova-Rizzoli, Corvetto-Chiaravalle-Porto di Mare, Niguarda-Bovisa e Qt8-Gallaratese, the “Augmented Street Art” arrived in Milan.

Designed by a consortium including the social cooperative Bepart (leader), PUSH, the cultural and creativity center BASE Milano, the publishing house Terre di mezzo Editore, the school of photography Cfp Bauer and the Foundation Arrigo e Pia Pini, the project “Milano Città Aumentata” includes very different activities: photography workshops, mapping of the urban art heritage in the 5 areas, animation design labs for the realization of augmented reality works, a paper catalog, a digital map with the opportunity to register for guided tours in the first widespread museum of augmented street art, an exhibition and much more.

On Street Art Factory website you will find all the information about the workshops and project activities. Moreover, the map of the street art works of the suburbs of Milan will be available soon.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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