Posts Tagged ‘lego serious play’

The first Italian Blank Disrupt will take place on 28-29 March in Catania: two days dedicated to the spread the culture, methodology, and the procedure of what is called “disruptive innovation”.

Innovation does not apply just to technology. Todays challenges in the organization of labor can be solved only through a radical change that could be able to offer original solutions and create new paradigms.

In order to learn new ways to confront these challenges, Blank Disrupt has organized a day of talks and another one of workshops featuring international speakers talking about their experiences and visions.

The day of 28 March will be dedicated to workshops that will be held at Hotel UNA in Catania. The participants will test various innovative techniques such as the “co-creation” with the methodology Lego Serious Play – which allows to solve complex problems with a maximum of involvement on the parts of the participating players – or experimenting those systems of tests of their own product or business models envisaged for the startups, tests that hastens processes of validation and developments.

On 29 March, at the Monastero Benedettino di San Nicolò there will be the talks, including that by Salvatore Di Dio, who will tell about his experience at PUSH in his paper “The Lean Urban Design”.

The keynote speaker will present an overview of the Mediterranean ecosystem of innovation, but other topics will be touched upon, such as Bitcoins – the new virtual currency that, ever more integrated in the digital platforms threatens the monetary systems – to the last updates in design, to those “liquid” organizations that can adjust more easily to changes.

There will be also space to discuss gamification, featuring the successful Sicilian startup Beintoo, and to talk about pioneering developments in microelectronics and applied nanotechnologies allowing high value-added services such as the remote treatment of patients or the diagnostics of buildings’ structural conditions.

In Sicily, a land that has been witness to important events, Blank Disrupt wants to address businessmen, researchers, students, Public Administration’s officers, CEOs, and all those innovators wanting to experience changes with more awareness and trying to seize the best opportunities. It will be a perfect blend of culture, identity, and innovation.

Blank Disrupt is organized by the association Blank together with Cocoon Projects and StartupBusiness.

For more info, see 

Tickets available on Eventbrite

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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