Posts Tagged ‘mobile’

After the success of the 2013 edition, this year PUSH was again selected among the two hundred participants to Expo delle Startup in Milan, at Palazzo Lombardia on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June.

For this occasion we made a video narrating the first year of our activity. You can view it here (and also use it to keep on voting for it or to share it on social networks).

This third edition of the event fits in the larger context of Cross Creativity program, a festival organized by Regione Lombardia in order to promote innovation, culture, and creativity, through a program full of initiatives.

This is s an unmissable date for startuppers and investors, an opportunity to meet, share ideas, and experiences in several fields: advertising, gaming, tourism, culture, desing/architecture, and the digital world.

Admission is free. 

For info, please visit the official website

Droidcon the world event dedicated to  Android developers, makes a stop in Italy.After London, Paris, Berlin, and other European capitals, it will finally arrive in Turin, on 6-7 February 2014.

Our Pushers, Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva and Andrea Tosatto will take part to the event, organized by Synesthesia and sponsored, among others, by the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella.

This two-day of talks, hackatons, and conferences scheduled at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, will be a unique occasion to meet other developers, geeks, and amateurs, and to exchange views, experiment, and stay updated with all the new technologies offered by Android for the creation and development of apps on mobile devices.

Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.

trafficO2 will participate to the Startup Iniative, the project promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo as accelerating platform for the most innovative startup in the following five areas: mobile; biotechnologies and health; nanotechnologies and materials; renewable energies; social ventures and startup with high social impact.

It will be two events in one single day. The presentation of traffic02 will take place at the Fiera delle Startup where PUSH will be present with its own counter display at the Sole 24 Ore HQ in Milan, via Monte Rosa, 91.

The appointment there is for 17 June, at 3 pm.

In only four years, there have been over sixty successful cases of operators that have joined Startup Initiative, now at its tenth edition. The goal is that of supporting for the world of innovation by offering educational services and a permanent scouting among incubators and contests for the sector, guiding start uppers towards the exit phase.

lso, by participating to this event, trafficO2 will be given the possibility to access Mobicap, the arena meeting addressed to Italian and international companies, institutions, and investors to become familiar with the most innovative projects in the areas of mobility, ICT, and mobile services.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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