Posts Tagged ‘push’

On Friday 17 and Saturday 18 at Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa in Palermo will be held Nuove Pratiche Fest, created and organized by CLACand :duepunti on behalf of Palermo Municipality within the program of “Cantieri del Contemporaneo”. At the core of this event there is a reflection on the theme of cultural innovation and therefore the operators in this field have been invited for a series of encounters and debates. During the festival there will be a workshop entitled “To be or not to be (vogliamo vivere)” to which PUSH, represented by Giorgia TeresiandAlessia Torre will take part. In this workshop, curated by Sociolab, cultural operators and social innovatorsi will meet to discuss various topics, such as the relation between the private and public sectors in the cultural ambit, the cultural entrepreneurship, or the new forms of sustainability. These exchanges aim at the elaboration of some prompts for the discussion in the final round-table.

The participation to the workshop is free but registration is mandatory. Free admission for all the other events in the program, which can be browsed online here.

“Palermo Pulita” is an app developed by Social Street Palermo allowing the user to report the presence of trash, illegal dumping grounds, and damages to urban decoration in the area of the city of Palermo.


The use of the app is simple and immediate: to make a report is sufficient to take a picture in real time, select on the app the category of the issue reported (illegal dumoing grounds, dangerous waste, urban waste, and damages to urban decoration), and send the geolocalized information to the server. The app collects the reports anonymously and the data gathered will be then shown on a density map on this page: As a consequence, it will be easy to understand which areas need urgent interventions.


PUSH, which subscribes to the values underlying the civic activities of Social Street Palermo’s concerned and participatory community, has realized the iOs version of “Palermo Pulita” app, downloadable here.


On Wednesday 24 September, PUSH, in collaboration with Per Esempio onlus and Ema Jons, will present “Borgo Vecchio Factory”.

“Borgo Vecchio Factory” is a project of social inclusion articulated over the course of a semester and including painting workshops offered to twenty children in the neighborhood of Borgo Vecchio.

The street artist Ema Jons will follow the kids step by step and together with them will realize street art works to be painted on the neighborhood façades.

During the press conference of presentation of the project, which will held at Per Esempio’s HQ in via Cusimano, 38, on the platform Indigogo an online crowdfunding will be launched to produce the project.

In addition, after the press conference will be held an instawalk through Borgo Vecchio, to look at the street artworks Ema Jones realized in some past workshops.

 It will possible to follow the project’s developments on the dedicated Facebook and Instagram profiles.

Il progetto “The Smart Innovation Island – Mobilità Connettività Turismo” –  presentato dall’aggregazione di comuni dell’Isola d’Ischia e da diverse associazioni tra cui PUSH –  ha vinto il bando EFISIO, l’iniziativa lanciata da Studiare Sviluppo in collaborazione con l’Osservatorio Nazionale Smart City – ANCI.

Il progetto mira a innovare ambiti quali la mobilità, lo sviluppo economico, l’energia e la sicurezza dei cittadini attraverso l’introduzione di nuove tecnologie e di sistemi innovativi di gestione e condivisione delle informazioni. 

L’idea è anche quella di promuovere il coinvolgimento diretto dei cittadini, delle associazioni e di tutti gli stakeholder, a partire da istituti di ricerca e università fino alle più giovani generazioni di professionisti e di progettisti di innovazione sociale, per trasferire non solo il know-how tecnico scientifico, ma soprattutto le esperienze organizzative e manageriali di livello nazionale ed internazionale al fine di replicare sull’isola di Ischia modelli virtuosi e iniziative innovative.

PUSH collaborerà al progetto mettendo a disposizione le proprie competenze e la propria esperienza nell’ambito dell’innovazione sociale guidata da nuove tecnologie e nuovi media.

From 27 to 29 June 2014, Selinunte will host the Fourth International meeting “Architects meet in Selinunte_OFF”, conceived and organized by  Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica and presS/TFactory.

The program includes several meetings and discussions, classified by themes, but also video screenings, exhibitions and awardds. It will be a great opportunity to better understand the role of architecture today, from the position of young students on contemporay architecture- expressed by ad hoc videos-  to the role of architecture as an instrument to fight against the crisis and look forward to future for Sicily.

On Friday 27 from 15, during the debate “New Ideas”– when young italian innovators will present their ideas- Salvatore Di Dio will talk about the experience of PUSH, how it was born and its role on the territory.

The event will be held in Teatro Selinus in Castelvetrano, from 10 a.m. and admission will be free. You can sign up directly there or writing an email to

For more info visit the website

After the success of the 2013 edition, this year PUSH was again selected among the two hundred participants to Expo delle Startup in Milan, at Palazzo Lombardia on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June.

For this occasion we made a video narrating the first year of our activity. You can view it here (and also use it to keep on voting for it or to share it on social networks).

This third edition of the event fits in the larger context of Cross Creativity program, a festival organized by Regione Lombardia in order to promote innovation, culture, and creativity, through a program full of initiatives.

This is s an unmissable date for startuppers and investors, an opportunity to meet, share ideas, and experiences in several fields: advertising, gaming, tourism, culture, desing/architecture, and the digital world.

Admission is free. 

For info, please visit the official website

The FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 is the most social sporting event globally. Besides Twitter suggesting to customize your own profile using the colors of your favorite team, and Facebook collecting all the useful information on the “Worldcup” page, many more initiatives aimed at encouraging users to cheer online for their team have been launched.

PUSH is no exception, so to celebrate the FIFA World Cup we created Tweet4Score, a service design project to enhance the “Social WorldCup” experience. The project was launched through a video, on Saturday 12 June for the debut of the Italian national soccer team. The idea is to play a completely social match on Twitter, using an original formula to calculate the popularity of a team on this popular social network.

On the website you can find the stats for all the teams and all the players’ Twitter account so to mention them directly in your own tweets. It is thus possible to find out the social impact of each team and the score attributed to their players, calculated on a range from 35 to 100. Those players who do not have or use a Twitter account will have a low score, while the most influential “stars” online – such as Mario Balotelli who can boast two and a half million followers and nearly a thousand tweets – will be closer to the highest score of 100 points.

During each single match, Tweet4score will create a live page comparing the teams, providing information on the players and a real-time calculation of the percentage of the two teams’ Twitter popularity, by assigning them a social score based on all tweets mentioning official hashtags or the most popular hashtags among supporters, such as #Vivoazzurro for Italy and #Allezlesbleus for France. Here teams’ goals or technical skills do not matter at all. What really makes the difference is the social support from the fans.

Follow the project on Twitter @tweet4score using the hashtag #T4S, on the Facebook page and do not forget to check out who is the winner of the social challenge on

On Saturday June 14, there will be the first “Festival of the Communities for Change”, in Bologna at Palazzo Re Enzo, an event created and organized by the association RENA.

It’s an event, unique of its kind, developed for networking, organizing discussion tables and sharing experiences. It’s an opportunity for all the participants to create value, meeting each other and starting new collaborations. All the main actors of innovation in Italy, have been gathered, showing a huge interest, so that the event is sold out.

There’s a rich program, from 10 am until late in the evening.

150 organizations will attend the festival, including communities, public administrations, enterprises and 15 nationally popular speakers.

PUSH, represented by Domenico Schillaci and Salvatore Di Dio, will take part in the event. The festival is a great opportunity to meet realities who we’re already starting a collaboration with and to find new ones, but it is also an excellent opportunity to be part of the thematic tables dealing with crucial issues for the projects developed by our Association, such as social innovation, OpenData, territory promotion, crowdfunding and governance of sharing communities.

The event can be followed via live streaming or following RENA on Twitter and using the hashtag #RENAfestival created for the event.

Today in Rome there’s an interesting meeting about the future of housing communities and we have been invited to share our point of view, together with our friend Ines Bajardi.

Federazione-Confcooperative is an active organization in the private social housing sector and it represents 2128 enterprises for 113.508 partners and approximately € 5.3 billion of invested capital.

During the meeting the most complicated issues related to design of cities and urban communities have been discussed, from energy efficiency to social services, from recovery and recycle of manifactures, to business incubators and social innovation.

Our contribution fits in the wake of the work developed by the professors Sergio Porta, Alessandro Rosina and Federica Viganò entitled “The future of housing: housing cooperatives’ paths through and beyond the crisis”.

Per lo sviluppo del progetto “trafficO2 – social network per la mobilità sostenibile” – PON04a3_00451 – CUP B65I12000430005, l’organizzazione no profit PUSH, C.F. 97285820821, con sede in Piazza Sant’Anna 3, 90133, Palermo, tel. 0916164848, ricerca:

Un’azienda/ente per affidare una consulenza di tipo tecnologico specialistica:

La prestazione richiesta è relativa a due attività principali, così dettagliate:

Attività 1 – Progettazione e sviluppo di un’infrastruttura cloud-based ad alta automazione e affidabilità per ospitare i servizi server-side del progetto trafficO2 e, in particolare:

  • Progettazione di un’architettura cloud scalabile e ad alta affidabilità adatta ad ospitare i servizi server-side necessari a garantire l’operatività della piattaforma trafficO2
  • Sviluppo del software necessario ad automatizzare la gestione dell’infrastruttura attraverso l’integrazione di strumenti di cloud orchestration e IT automation (quali, a titolo esemplificativo, Puppet o Chef)
  • Messa in produzione della piattaforma su un’infrastruttura di public cloud
  • Mantenimento e supporto alla gestione della piattaforma
  • Individuazione di linee guida per l’aderenza ad adempimenti normativi e standard tecnici

Attività 2 – Consulenza strategica per la valutazione della sostenibilità finanziaria:

  • Supporto nella formalizzazione del modello di business
  • Supporto nella definizione della struttura dei costi
  • Supporto nell’analisi di Break-Even in uno specifico scenario urbano
  • Supporto nella costruzione di un modello di calcolo per la validazione quantitativa del modello di business definito

Nello specifico l’articolazione della Vostra offerta dovrà:

  • Contenere breve company profile dell’ente
  • Descriversi in ore/uomo (indicando quindi le risorse coinvolte, il loro impegno e il costo orario)
  • Presentare almeno un CV significativo di un membro del team di lavoro
  • Riportare la precisazione che il bene/servizio viene acquisito nell’ambito del Progetto PON “Ricerca e Competitività” 2007-2013 per le Regioni dell’Obiettivo Convergenza, progetto d’innovazione sociale “trafficO2 – social network per la mobilità sostenibile”, codice progetto 00451 di cui all’articolo 8 dell’avviso numero 84 / ric. del 2 Marzo 2012 – beneficiario MIUR –  rif. cc postale numero 1007359381 del conto MIUR – Social Innovation PON04a3-00451, di cui il titolare del contratto è l’associazione PUSH. e il beneficiario il MIUR Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Dipartimento Università, AFAM e Ricerca, DG per il coordinamento e lo Sviluppo della Ricerca – Ufficio VII – UPOC, C.F. 80185250588, Piazza J.F. Kennedy, 20, 00144 – Roma
  • Riportare le modalità di fatturazione e pagamento richieste con indicazione del codice IBAN dell’azienda o ente
  • Riportare la precisazione che al pagamento delle fatture, intestate al MIUR e da inviare all’associazione PUSH, provvederà direttamente il MIUR
  • Considerare la data del 30 maggio 2015 come termine ultimo per la conclusione delle attività di consulenza.

La manifestazione d’interesse, a cui seguirà nostra ufficiale richiesta di preventivo, può essere inviata a, dovrà indicare ragione sociale, indirizzo, C.F. e p.IVA dell’ente/azienda candidata, e dovrà pervenirci entro e non oltre il 13 giugno 2014.

Agente marketing

È indispensabile una forte motivazione e passione per l’attività commerciale, predisposizione ad accettare le sfide e la consapevolezza di operare in un settore dinamico e innovativo.

Si offre:

  • Fisso mensile
  • Provvigioni, incentivi e gare periodiche
  • Programma formativo
  • Affiancamento nelle trattative più complesse
  • Supporto commerciale altamente qualificato
  • Servizio di back office per la gestione dei contratti
  • Campagne pubblicitarie periodiche per facilitare le trattative con la clientela
  • Prospettiva di crescita professionale ed economica

Si richiede:

  • Disponibilità immediata e full time
  • Ottima predisposizione al contatto col pubblico
  • Capacità gestionali ed organizzative
  • Forte senso di responsabilità
  • Propensione al lavoro in team
  • Bicicletta o altro mezzo di trasporto sostenibile

Inviare Curriculum Vitae con disposizione legge sulla privacy 196/03 con oggetto MARKETING all’indirizzo

Web developer

È fondamentale la propensione al lavoro in team e la capacità di coordinare specifiche fasi di sviluppo.

Conoscenze necessarie:

  • Javascript/JQuery
  • CSS2/CSS3
  • HTML5
  • WordPress
  • Framework Web (Symfony2, Django, Rails)
  • PHP

Conoscenze opzionali:

  • Grunt/Bower
  • Coffescript

Inviare Curriculum Vitae con disposizione legge sulla privacy 196/03 con oggetto WEB DEVELOPER all’indirizzo

After the success of the 2013 edition, this year PUSH was again selected among the two hundred participants to Expo delle Startup in Milan, at Palazzo Lombardia on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June.

For this occasion we made a video narrating the first year of our activity. You can view it here (and also use it to keep on voting for it or to share it on social networks).

This third edition of the event fits in the larger context of Cross Creativity program, a festival organized by Regione Lombardia in order to promote innovation, culture, and creativity, through a program full of initiatives.

This is s an unmissable date for startuppers and investors, an opportunity to meet, share ideas, and experiences in several fields: advertising, gaming, tourism, culture, desing/architecture, and the digital world.

For info, please visit the official website

The second edition of Invasioni Digitali (Digital Invasions)– the network of events aimed at promoting through social media tools and disseminating the artistic, cultural and Italian museum heritage, which in 2014 has recorded more than 400 invasions on the national territory (45 of them in Sicily)- beated all records.

PUSH- in collaboration with Ars Mediterranea and Iride work in pixel- coordinated the invasion of Teatro Massimo, in Palermo, held Sunday May 4th, from 10 a.m. to 16 p.m.

More than 600 invaders shared the guided tour of the largest theatre of Italy, through tweets, photos and facebook posts, thanks also to the support offered by the Association “Giovani per il Teatro Massimo”.

The hashtag #invadoilmassimo was mentioned in 509 photos while #invasionidigitali reached quota 22.614.

The success has been obtained thanks to the support given for the event management by the enthusiastic and passionate partners and thanks to the Massimo Theatre Foundation, for professionally welcoming and supporting the initiative.

After the successful first edition in 2013, Invasioni Digitali (Digital Invasions) is back in Palermo for the second year. It is a national network of events aimed at disseminating and increasing the value of the national artistic and cultural heritage by using the social media.

The event will be held Sunday 4 May at the cry #INVADO IL MASSIMO: Massimo Theatre will be “invaded” by digital innovation buffs that with their smartphones will share their experience on the social networks.

The invasion will begin at 10 am and it will include guided tours inside the building designed by Basile (there will be a 3 EUR reduced ticket price including also edutainment tours offered by Fondazione Teatro Massimo).

The visitors will have the opportunity to visit the great hall, the Royal box, the representation rooms, and, exceptionally for this event, also the stage. The tour will also include the visit to the exhibition “Mozart at the Teatro Massimo”, displaying sketches, fashion-plates, costumes and props and where it will also be possible to use and photograph the wind machine and immortalize yourself as the Commendatore statue, the famous character of Mozart’s Don Giovanni.

All the participants will be able to share their posts on the main social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube, by using the hashtags #invadoilMassimo and #invasionidigitali. All the contents will be collected on the web-portal

Instagramers Palermo is a partner of #InvadoilMassimo, so on the event day by adding the hashtag #igerspalermo to the pictures, they will be grouped with all the other pictures within our Instagramers community.

The event organization is managed by the non-profit association PUSH in collaboration with Ars Mediterranea and Iride_work in pixel, a crossmedia production studio that once again will be in charge of narrating the event through a video and a photographic reportage.

The first Italian Blank Disrupt will take place on 28-29 March in Catania: two days dedicated to the spread the culture, methodology, and the procedure of what is called “disruptive innovation”.

Innovation does not apply just to technology. Todays challenges in the organization of labor can be solved only through a radical change that could be able to offer original solutions and create new paradigms.

In order to learn new ways to confront these challenges, Blank Disrupt has organized a day of talks and another one of workshops featuring international speakers talking about their experiences and visions.

The day of 28 March will be dedicated to workshops that will be held at Hotel UNA in Catania. The participants will test various innovative techniques such as the “co-creation” with the methodology Lego Serious Play – which allows to solve complex problems with a maximum of involvement on the parts of the participating players – or experimenting those systems of tests of their own product or business models envisaged for the startups, tests that hastens processes of validation and developments.

On 29 March, at the Monastero Benedettino di San Nicolò there will be the talks, including that by Salvatore Di Dio, who will tell about his experience at PUSH in his paper “The Lean Urban Design”.

The keynote speaker will present an overview of the Mediterranean ecosystem of innovation, but other topics will be touched upon, such as Bitcoins – the new virtual currency that, ever more integrated in the digital platforms threatens the monetary systems – to the last updates in design, to those “liquid” organizations that can adjust more easily to changes.

There will be also space to discuss gamification, featuring the successful Sicilian startup Beintoo, and to talk about pioneering developments in microelectronics and applied nanotechnologies allowing high value-added services such as the remote treatment of patients or the diagnostics of buildings’ structural conditions.

In Sicily, a land that has been witness to important events, Blank Disrupt wants to address businessmen, researchers, students, Public Administration’s officers, CEOs, and all those innovators wanting to experience changes with more awareness and trying to seize the best opportunities. It will be a perfect blend of culture, identity, and innovation.

Blank Disrupt is organized by the association Blank together with Cocoon Projects and StartupBusiness.

For more info, see 

Tickets available on Eventbrite

On 7-9 March at the Convento della Madonna del Carmine, there will be 48 hours of creativity, collaboration, and innovation dedicated to service design.

Global Service Jam, the internationally acclaimed format, arrives for the first time in Palermo. It takes place simultaneously in 100 different cities and on five continents in the world and proposes an exciting challenge: the development of a creative approach in detecting and solving issues involved in the participated service design by encouraging collaboration, experimentation, and innovation.

Palermo edition adds to the other three Italy-based ones: Bologna, Milano, and Scicli (RG). 

What is a jam? It amounts to 48 hours of pure creative energy, involving thirty participants with diverse personal and professional backgrounds that, led by expert mentors, will meet to design a prototype of service conceived for the users’ needs. Different groups in different cities will work on the same theme and publish the results of their work on an online platform, where anyone can access and draw insipiration. The jam theme will be communicated Friday 7 March at 5 pm, and the reults must be shared in the platform by 3 pm on Sunday 9 March.


To participate it is necessary to register and purchase a ticket (35 € per person) on Eventbrite. Palermo Service Jam is a no profit event organized for the first time in Palermo by volunteers in collaboration with the no profit association PUSH. The proceeds will be used to provide refreshments and all the material needed for the jam.

The even witll take place nn 7-9 March at the Convento della Madonna del Carmine, next to the historical market of Ballarò.

More info on the official website.

Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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