Posts Tagged ‘università’

Thanks to the experience of City as a Service and the participation to the conference Habitat III, PUSH has been selected by the United Nations to organise a second Urban Thinkers Campus.

Right to the Future will take place in Palermo from the 6th to the 8th of April 2017 and it will develop a debate, starting from the principles of the New Urban Agenda, proposing visions for the city over the next years.

The citizens under 35 years of age who want to be part of the Urban Thinkers Campus staff will be able to contribute to the organisation of this international event. We are looking for proactive volunteers who will welcome and give support to the speakers and to all those who take part in the Campus.

Given the international scope of the event, a good knowledge of English is requested for volunteers.

University students will have the chance to request the recognition of CFU credits at their faculty.

Send your application by April 1st by filling out the form below.

[caldera_form id=”CF58adb142141f7″]

PUSH, as an associate member of the World Urban Campaign and its initiative I’m City Changer, has been selected to coordinate the organization of the first Urban Thinkers Campus in Palermo (8th – 9th – 10th October).

The event, hosted by different cities around the world, is promoted by the United Nations, with the aim of sensitizing and creating awarenessamong the citizens on urban issues, and prepare the contents to be presented during the conference Habitat III (Quito 2016). The Campus is designed as an open space for workshops and seminars, an opportunity to share and promote positive urban transformations.

PUSH is searching for under 35 volunteers for the daily organization of the Campus. We need someone who can greet and support all the participants that will attend the event in Palermo from all over the world. For this reason it is requested a good knowledge of English.

It will be a unique training opportunity: students will also have the chance to ask for CFU for their academic path.

Apply by September 25th: use the form below or write us on

[ipt_fsqm_form id=”10″]

Beta 0.3 version of trafficO2 has just been released with several new features. The section MOVE has new functions, like the possibility of calculating one’s itinerary and selecting the desired means of transportation, to check-in and out automatically once the destination is reached, and gain O2 points.

A community of students from the  Università degli Studi di Palermo – selected during the workshop “Mobility, behaviours: apps” held at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri from 21-23 November 2013 – will test the new app.

The idea is that of expanding this group of testers up to the point of involving the whole body of students of the University of Palermo and other working communities.

Press conference for the presentation of the trafficO2  project –social network for sustainable mobility and for the “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” workshop, organized in collaboration with the University of Palermo.
The press conference will be held on October 26th at 10:30am, at the beautiful location, Sala delle Capriate of the monumental complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Piazza Marina n. 41, Palermo.

For more info on the workshop clicca qui.

To attend to the press conference, enroll at Eventbrite

trafficO2 was in Salerno for AICA’s 50th national congress, event organized in collaboration with the University of Salerno, which will be held at the Fisciano campus from September 18th to September 20th.

Digital Frontiers: from Digital Divide to Smart Society”, the theme of the 2013 edition. In fact, during the three days researchers, faculty and professionals of the ICT field will meet to evaluate in which way our Country is preparing to face the future challenges to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as an answer and in accordance to the European research and innovation strategies.

The focuses of the summit were all of the initiatives and researches on themes such as climate change, security, energy and food resupply, health and mobility. These are themes in which ICT plays an important role in supporting innovation.

The trafficO2 team, which was awarded the contract “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation” promoted by MIUR in 2012, will take part in the round table “Smart Mobility and Social Innovation”, scheduled on Thursday September 19th at 4pm.

The guest speakers, among others, will be Antonio Pescapè, form the University of Naples, Anna Donati, appointed by the mayor of Naples for sustainable mobility and Fabrizio Cobis, director of the special programs of research and distribution of scientific culture at MIUR.

Click here for the complete program.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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