Our collaboration with the UN-Habitat agency, this year, led us to the ninth World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur.
We were therefore lucky enough to have an active role in the debate on the New Urban Agenda, to get in touch with important international players active in the field and to get to know the country Emilio Salgari had dreamt of: Malaysia.
Despite a tense political situation, a very unique gastronomic tradition and the presence of buildings that are iconic of global culture, we have noticed at least one profound difference between our peninsula and the Malaysian one: the weather.
The warm and humid tropical climate with sudden (always at the end of the conference days) and indomitable downpours.
Of course our analysis could (and perhaps should) be more accurate but the pressing pace of the event forced us to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (and its immediate vicinity) for almost the entire duration of our stay.
Zero local tourism then, but great global debate.
The main theme of the Forum was the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, i.e. what has been done so far and what can be done in the future to translate the 175 paragraphs of the document (adopted by more than 180 countries worldwide) into specific actions and projects to achieve Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
In the days spent at KLCC we met new friends such as the Aussies of Urban Synergies, engaged in designing cities for children, the Spanish guys of Boa Mistura and the Peruvian of Lima còmo vamos who, creatively and from below, create urban places on a human scale.
We had the fortune to meet Giulia (Mundus Urbano fellow) from Craterre who introduced us to the digital project Sherpa to facilitate sustainable housing development worldwide and Jeffrey who, as an urban designer, is working to transform Kuala Lumpur mobility.
We were among the first to play MetroGame, the board game designed by Antonella and Alessandro from Politecnico di Milano for the metropolitan cities of the future; a sort of Monopoly for planners and policy makers that aims to build urban parks or hydroelectric power plants instead of the classic hotel in Parco della Vittoria.
Together with Alessandra (head of the Urban Journalism Academy) we took part to the panel organized by ANCI and moderated by Simone d’Antonio on URBACT.
Thanks to our friend Simone we were able to have dinner at the home of the Italian ambassador in Malaysia, where we met the Italian “official” delegation at the World Urban Forum (among others, the heads of the Municipalities of Milan and Bologna, Raffaele from UIA and the former Malaysian ambassador in Italy who loves Sicily).
We had the opportunity to share with other World Urban Campaign members the results of our Urban Thinkers Campus Right to the Future and we asked Circe to invite us to the next UTC in Recife.
Finally, on the penultimate day of the conference we offered our training “Design Sprint for Urban Innovation”: an original and new format resulting from our research process.
The participants to our workshop – members of international development organizations, government technicians in the housing or energy field, professors in the planning sector and young researchers from all over the world – all appreciated the methodology (complaining, in fact, only about the absence of breaks and coffee).
This training event would be really meaningful for Vietnam urban designers, planners
Pham (Hanoi – Vietnam)
Let’s build this bigger!
Brian (Taipei – Taiwan)
Great training experience! A complex issue could easily been tackle through this methodology with genuine design solutions
Mohd (Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur)
I think it was upbeat, well planned and yet spontaneous, very informative in how it organizes thoughts and ideas into realistic plans. And it was all done in a fun and creative way. Absolutely innovative! Loved it. Thank you.
Bushra (Yemen)
Per ridare senso a una delle piazze più grandi e importanti del capoluogo siciliano, Aisa – Associazione Italiana Studenti Architettura e Push hanno pensato di organizzare un workshop tematico, riservato a studenti universitari del Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Palermo, con lo scopo di proporre soluzioni creative e low-cost adatte a rigenerare questo spazio.
PUSH and AISA – Associazione Italiana Studenti di Architettura – launch the workshop Sant’Anna Jamming.
Piazza Sant’Anna is the name of a beautiful square in Palermo, which has been a parking area for years and that now is finally free from cars, showing its baroque beauty. Unfortunately during the last year it remained empty and unused, risking to become an urban void.
To give meaning to one of the most important squares of the city, PUSH and AISA decided to organize a thematic workshop for the students of Architecture of the University of Palermo, with the aim of finding creative and low-cost solutions for the regeneration of this space.
After this creative marathon of 48 hours, the projects of the groups will be uploaded on a web platform and valued by the citizens. The two most voted solutions will be presented to the Municipality of Palermo.
The workshop will take place on Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November at Blow Up, in Piazza Sant’Anna.
On Sunday 29 at 3.30 p.m. at Modern Art Museum of Palermo (via Sant’Anna 21) there will be a final conference of the workshop, during which all the projects developed by the teams will be presented. Everyone’s invited!
From today until Friday 27 February we shall be in Rome for Crew (Creative Economy Week), a week of study, research, and educational activities on the topics of innovation, startups, and creative economy, organized by IED Roma. This event aims at publicizing IED’s academic year topic, “Self(i3) Worker”, to reflect upon the dramatic changes occurring in contemporary society and in the job markets, and upon the creation of job opportunities for oneself and the others.
Crew is a lab-like event where IED Roma offers itself as hub for innovation and support of business competitiveness in the fields of fashion, design, visual arts, new media, and communication, in order to favor companies’ encounter with the world of cultural and creative productions. In so doing, it aims at activating processes of collaborations, transfers of knowledge, and developments of model and competencies.
IED Factory is the section of the event dedicated to twelve workshops held by professionals of creative disciplines and is open to second year students.
Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci, and Mauro Filippi will bring on the table their experience gained in PUSH proposing APPlyIED, a workshop on designing services. Through experimental learning and departing from virtual cases of goods and services needing to be improved, developed, or reinvented, they shall share with the students the methods for service design and fast prototyping.
It will be an experience similar to that of Service Jam. As output, each team will produce a video presentation telling about their experience as users.
For this workshop, an experience of paramount importance for our team, many people have applied and now is fully booked.
The complete program of the event is available on the official website.
Oggi PUSH sarà a Washington per partecipare alla BECC (Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference) una conferenza giunta alla sua ottava edizione dedicata all’analisi dei comportamenti e delle decisioni individuali e organizzative relative al consumo di energia, alle emissioni di gas a effetto serra, ai cambiamenti climatici e la sostenibilità.
La conferenza prevede una serie di workshop, tavole rotonde e seminari che affronteranno da vari punti di vista il tema della BECC.
Durante il seminario sul tema “Transforming Transportation” interverrà il presidente di PUSH Salvatore Di Dio.
Il suo intervento, dal titolo “Mobility and Behaviours: trafficO2”, racconterà gli effetti positivi che la sperimentazione dell’app ha avuto sulla comunità degli studenti dell’Università di Palermo.
Si tratta di un’occasione importante per raccontare il progetto a un pubblico di esperti del settore e raccoglierne i feedback.
È possibile consultare il programma dell’evento sul sito dedicato.
On 22-24 October in Milan will be held Fieramilanocity SMAU, an event dedicated to technology and innovation. MIUR will be present in the Open Innovation area together with the fourteen winners of the competition “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation”.
The fourteen innovative projects will be presented in a dedicated exhibiting space in order to promote their business ideas and projects, exchange information, and network. Among these, trafficO2, the market-based social computing project for the mobility of urban communities developed by PUSH.
During the three-day event, more than twenty educational workshops will be held by
instructors, analysts, experts in funding for businesses and startups, smart working, open innovation, crowdsourcing, and much more.
Finally on Friday 24 October at 1 pm the innovative projects regarding Smart City and Social Innovation, including trafficO2, will be introduced in only 90 seconds in a speed pitching moderated by Emil Abirascid.
On Friday 17 and Saturday 18 at Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa in Palermo will be held Nuove Pratiche Fest, created and organized by CLAC and :duepunti on behalf of Palermo Municipality within the program of “Cantieri del Contemporaneo”. At the core of this event there is a reflection on the theme of cultural innovation and therefore the operators in this field have been invited for a series of encounters and debates. During the festival there will be a workshop entitled “To be or not to be (vogliamo vivere)” to which PUSH, represented by Giorgia Teresi and Alessia Torre will take part. In this workshop, curated by Sociolab, cultural operators and social innovatorsi will meet to discuss various topics, such as the relation between the private and public sectors in the cultural ambit, the cultural entrepreneurship, or the new forms of sustainability. These exchanges aim at the elaboration of some prompts for the discussion in the final round-table.
The participation to the workshop is free but registration is mandatory. Free admission for all the other events in the program, which can be browsed online here.
The first Italian Blank Disrupt will take place on 28-29 March in Catania: two days dedicated to the spread the culture, methodology, and the procedure of what is called “disruptive innovation”.
Innovation does not apply just to technology. Todays challenges in the organization of labor can be solved only through a radical change that could be able to offer original solutions and create new paradigms.
In order to learn new ways to confront these challenges, Blank Disrupt has organized a day of talks and another one of workshops featuring international speakers talking about their experiences and visions.
The day of 28 March will be dedicated to workshops that will be held at Hotel UNA in Catania. The participants will test various innovative techniques such as the “co-creation” with the methodology Lego Serious Play – which allows to solve complex problems with a maximum of involvement on the parts of the participating players – or experimenting those systems of tests of their own product or business models envisaged for the startups, tests that hastens processes of validation and developments.
On 29 March, at the Monastero Benedettino di San Nicolò there will be the talks, including that by Salvatore Di Dio, who will tell about his experience at PUSH in his paper “The Lean Urban Design”.
The keynote speaker will present an overview of the Mediterranean ecosystem of innovation, but other topics will be touched upon, such as Bitcoins – the new virtual currency that, ever more integrated in the digital platforms threatens the monetary systems – to the last updates in design, to those “liquid” organizations that can adjust more easily to changes.
There will be also space to discuss gamification, featuring the successful Sicilian startup Beintoo, and to talk about pioneering developments in microelectronics and applied nanotechnologies allowing high value-added services such as the remote treatment of patients or the diagnostics of buildings’ structural conditions.
In Sicily, a land that has been witness to important events, Blank Disrupt wants to address businessmen, researchers, students, Public Administration’s officers, CEOs, and all those innovators wanting to experience changes with more awareness and trying to seize the best opportunities. It will be a perfect blend of culture, identity, and innovation.
Blank Disrupt is organized by the association Blank together with Cocoon Projects and StartupBusiness.
For more info, see http://blankfactory.org/blankdisrupt/
Tickets available on Eventbrite
After three-days of intense work with the students of the Schools of Architecture, Engineering, and Education of the Università degli Studi in Palermo, seven new social innovation projects have been produced.
We would like to thank all the students who have worked with commitment and enthusiasm, and to their tutors who were able to inspire and guide them. Special thanks go also to the speakers that have recounted how the integration between social media, ICT, and social innovation can be of insipiration for the smart citizens of tomorrow. Invaluable collaboration also came from the staff of the Schools involved in the project, which have strongly belived in it. Finally, we want to thanks also the technical partners, which have enriched our program with several interesting initiatives. Last, but not least, thank you PUSH team!
Registration to the workshop “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is now officially open. This workshop – organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and is open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education – will give them the opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in interdisciplinary teams with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise
“Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino, Google Developer Group in Palermo, and
We Are Social, a conversation agency based in Milan.
To access the requirements for admission and apply, please fill the registration form by 14 November. The students selected will be contacted to participate to the activities scheduled on 21-23 November at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri.
“Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is workshop realized for the project trafficO2, a community urban mobility social network aiming at reducing traffic and pollution by trading prizes in exchange of sustainable transportation. For more info, please visit traffico2.com.
Today at Palazzo Steri was presented a workshop organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education, to be held on 21-23 November 2013 within the project trafficO2.
It is a unique opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in team with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise. “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino and Google Developer Group in Palermo.
The students who are interested can register at www.traffico2.com filling the registration form. At the end of the workshop they will receive 3 CFU (course credits) and become testers of trafficO2: they will receive a personal alpha version of the app to be tested on their smartphone and reviewed in periodical reports allowing its enhancement by implementing new functions and improving the graphic interfance and the user experience.
This project stems from a collaboration between the students and the PUSH team, trafficO2 design company, that will lead to a gradual expansion of the number of testers, involving by 2014 all the 60,000 students of the Università degli Studi di Palermo.
Here you shall find the folder with the press conference documentation.
Press conference for the presentation of the trafficO2 project –social network for sustainable mobility and for the “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” workshop, organized in collaboration with the University of Palermo.
The press conference will be held on October 26th at 10:30am, at the beautiful location, Sala delle Capriate of the monumental complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Piazza Marina n. 41, Palermo.
For more info on the workshop clicca qui.
To attend to the press conference, enroll at Eventbrite
PUSH flies to Hungary for the workshop organized in the occasion of the Social Innovation Tournament at the EIB Institute, to be held in Budapest on 25 and 26 July 2013.
There, PUSH will be presenting uMayor – a crowdsensing platform that will allow the citizens to entertain a direct and transparent dialogue with the Public Administration – that was selected among over 250 applications, as one of the sixteen finalist projects. During the two-day bootcamp, professional coaches will lead the teams in the development of effective business plans and at the same time will help them improve the teams’ presentation skills.
Five coaches, sixteen projects, and a program full of occasions for in-depth analysis, from social entepreneurship to impact investing to the technique of pitching.
On 17 October, still in Budapest, the proclamation of the winners.
Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821