The Urban Thinkers Campus Countless Cities, promoted by Farm Cultural Park and PUSH under the umbrella of UN Habitat, will be the opening event of the namesake biennial that will host in Favara over 20 cities from all over the world to reflect on issues related to Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda. The Campus will be an open and exchange space among researchers, professionals, politicians and citizens, invited to discuss on the future of Mediterranean cities and in particular of marginal ones.
Countless Cities proposes a dialogue based on urban transformation good practices already experimented in Favara, in relation to the following topics:
As an evidence of the actual political crisis, traditional governance and leadership models are turning ineffective and inadequate to face the rapid changes of contemporary society. Capacity-development oriented and human-centered strategies have to be promoted by involving civil society, the private sector, professionals, academia and research institutions.
From earthquakes to flooding, rapid immigration to cyber-attacks, all cities face a range of shocks and stresses, natural and human-made. Spontaneous or government-leaded resilience processes give to cities a new face by creating unusual spaces and community paths. Is urban resilience concept transferable to small and disperse cities?
Woke is a word that arose from a specific context of black struggle and has recently assumed a new sense of urgency among activists fighting for social justice, racial justice and climate justice. From silent and peaceful strikes to protest art, youths are raising their voice. How these movements can be empowered to drive the society? How deeply could this woke reach youths in marginal cities?
Urban Lab
Quid - Vicolo Luna
Side Events
Quid - Vicolo Luna
Round Table Jam
Palazzo Giudice
Urban Day Lab
Teatro Andromeda
Side Events
Teatro Andromeda
Round Table Jam
Palazzo Giudice
Urban Lab
Farm Cultural Park
Side Events
Farm Cultural Park
Urban Lab
Farm Cultural Park
Side Events
Farm Cultural Park