8th October 2015
08:00 – 09:00 [SALA DE SETA]
10:00 – 13:00 [SALA DE SETA]
The Plenary Session is the main event of the day; it’s open to all participants and organized by PUSH in collaboration with its partners.
The City as a Service Plenary Sessions will focus on best practices, current urban challenges, relevant policies and solutions adopted to ensure the transition to more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities.
Virtual links allow us to be part of bigger discussions but physical connections are crucial to trigger real opportunities to territories.
Viviana Cannizzo / Impact Hub Siracusa
She is co-founder, community manager and event organizer of the co-working space Impact Hub Siracusa and Digital Champion for the Municipality of Siracusa. Her professional background is in organization of cultural events with a strong focus on project management, fund raising and PR with public institutions.
Mauro Filippi / PUSH
Mauro Filippi is a 27 years old architect. He studied and worked at Università degli Studi di Palermo, Universidad Camilo José Cela of Madrid and Carleton University of Ottawa, focusing on virtual visualization, building information modeling and promotion of cultural heritage. He works as designer and project manager at PUSH.
Matteo Bettoli / Confcooperative CoopUp
Matteo Bettoli works in Confcooperative as cooperative development manager, dealing with projects on cooperative start-up support, young cooperative entrepreneurs network and new cooperative models. He completed his studies in International Relations, Diplomatic Affairs and Development Cooperation at the University of Bologna and made some experiences in South Africa and Austria before joining the cooperative movement working first in Brussels and then in Rome, collaborating with the Secretary-General of Confcooperative.
Umberto Di Maggio / LIBERA
Young Sicilian sociologist, he works for Libera NGO in promoting innovative paths for the social reuse of goods confiscated from organized crime. Teacher in many Universities, he’s Scientific director of the Summer School “GIA’ – Youth and Innovations” and he is also author of several studies and publications on local development, policies for welfare, social cooperation and international fight to the mafia and corruption.
Edoardo Calia / Istituto Superiore Mario Boella
Edoardo Calia graduated from Politecnico di Torino (MSEE: 1987, PhD: 1992), and he spent most of his professional career working on innovation based and Communication Technologies. After several years – some of which in USA – spent working on research projects on Internetworking and distributed computing, he contributed in 2001 to the startup of Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), a research center set up by Politecnico di Torino and Compagnia di San Paolo, where he is currently Deputy Director for Strategic Programs. ISMB carries out applied research projects in several application domains where Information Technologies play a key enabler role (urban mobility, e-health, energy etc).
Artur Serra / citilab
Started his research as techno-anthropogist at Carnegie Mellon University, he founded in 1999 i2cat, a leading Internet research center in Catalonia and living labs as Citilab, first citizen laboratory in Europe in 2007. He has participated in lot of European projects, as well as in Latinamerican cities, specially in Medellin, Colombia. Since 2011, he collaborated in starting BCNLab in Barcelona. He is currently interested in citizen-driven regional innovation strategies. Since 2015, he plays the role of Vicepresident of the European Network of Living Labs.
Alessandro Cacciato / FARM Cultural Park
Alessandro Cacciato was born in Vicenza in 1978. He lives in Agrigento since 1994, where he deals with promotion of SME for ProGest, the Agrigento Chamber of Commerce Special Agency. Inspired by social and entrepreneurial innovation he published his first book “Ignore or Innovate”, by Medinova Editore. He contributes to Farm Cultural Park where he’s playing an active role in the development initiatives of the project conceived and set up by Andrea Bartoli and Florinda Saieva.
Giacomo Corvisieri / Italtel
Giacomo Corvisieri graduated in Electronic Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering in the University of Palermo. He has been working in Italtel since 1985, always in R&D departments and most of time with the responsibility of software development labs. He has played the role of PL, RL and PM for various product releases. He has also been responsible, either in the internal company activities or for the overall coordination, for several projects funded at national and international levels. He has got CMMI certification and he is a Certified Scrum Product Owner. Currently he heads the “Innovation & Research – PA” Unit.
Claudio Calvaresi / Avanzi
Born in 1964, he is PhD in Urban Planning. He currently works as Adjunt professor at Polytechinc University of Milan and senior consultant for Avanzi. He has also been Director of “Urban Policies” Area at Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (Irs). His main fields of research are: urban regeneration and social innovation, community planning and housing policies. He is actively engaged in initiatives of urban innovation, being director of a Community Lab in Milan for the regeneration of a social housing neighbourhood. At international level, he is currently assessor for the First Campaign of Calls for Proposals under Urbact III Programme.
/Q & A
14:00 – 15:00 [BOTTEGA #3 – BOTTEGA #4 – RIDOTTO DE SETA]
This Session is organized along partners’ constituent groups, in which urban thinkers will debate and brainstorm with their peers on the theme of the Campus. The Constituent Group Drafting Sessions provide a space for members of the constituencies to be on the same page in terms of policy and advocacy. These sessions should ultimately produce detailed and comprehensive position documents, which can inform the New Urban Agenda.
During the Palermo Urban Thinkers Campus there will be four Constituent Group Drafting Sessions:
All the groups will meet during the first two days of the Campus; in order to join a specific group, you need to register at the Campus Infopoint located at the entrance of the Sala De Seta. Constituent Groups are open only for World Urban Campaign’s partners.
Urban Thinkers Sessions are frontal or interactive sessions of two hours. They are composed by lectures of 15-30 minutes each, proposed by different speakers, on a specific topic.
Urban Labs are thematic workshops of two hours; they are more practical, concrete, experimental than Sessions. Labs will allow participants to explore new practices and innovative models, to stimulate debate and encourage the creation of new ideas.
Parallel Sessions and Labs are open to a limited number of participants (from 30 to 50) and they can all be booked via Eventbrite. Check the schedule below and get your tickets.
15:00 – 17:00
[Bottega #4]
During the Lab the winners of the contest will present their project focusing on social and cultural impact produced through urban regeneration processes.
Claudia La Rocca / BOOM – Polmoni Urbani
Organized by BOOM – Polmoni Urbani
[Institute Francais]
A new approach to problem solving described through four Sicilian projects designed for people.
Marco Cannemi / Smart Donor
Ilenia Tinnirello / in.sight s.r.l.
Iuliia Vorobiova / Palermo City Workshop
Organized by PUSH
[Goethe Institut]
A space for critical debate on relations between urban policies/politics and service providing under the discursive umbrella of Smart Cities.
Angela Oberg / Rutgers University
Taru Jain / School of Planning and Architecture, New Dehli
Dezsö Vajtho / Utrecht University
Mendel Giezen / Utrecht University
Fabio Iapaolo / University of Lisbon
Mahak Agrawal / School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
Organized by AESOP Young Academics Network
15.00 – 16.00 [Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia]
In the Lab we will present our collaborative project on tourism and we will explain how to become part of the community of contributors.
Mirko Mignini / PUSH
Domenico Schillaci / PUSH
Organized by PUSH
16.00 – 17.00 [Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia]
A moment to discuss and debate about the contemporary city through cinema and new media.
Salvatore Di Dio / The Piranesi Experience
Organized by The Piranesi Experience
[Bottega #3]
In the Lab we will explore tools and apps to map the world around us. We will show how citizens can deal with themes ranging from air quality to noise pollution using low cost sensors.
Ivonne Jansen-Dings / Waag Society
Organized by Waag Society
17:00 – 19:00
[Institute Francais]
How to develop a new perspective of urban regeneration in the Mediterranean cities, increasing their environmental and social dimension.
Gianluca Burgio / Kore University of Enna
Pere Fuertes / Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Gabriele Freni / Kore University of Enna
Tullio Giuffrè / Kore University of Enna
Organized by Kore University of Enna
[Goethe Institut]
New energy consumption models for electricity, heat, and transportation systems for sustainable urban areas.
Nick Hayes / Arcadis
Guido Noto / University of Palermo
Enrico Pochettino / IREN
Sebastiano Provenzano / Provenzano A.A.
Organized by PUSH
[Bottega #3]
An idea generation lab for energy production, management, saving and distribution in urban environments.
Fabio Maria Montagnino / Consorzio ARCA
Organized by Consorzio ARCA
[Bottega #4]
The aim of the Lab is to involve citizens in mapping geographically their knowledge of the city.
Ciro Spataro / Open Data Sicilia
Organized by Open Data Sicilia
The Palermo Urban Thinkers Campus mobile app is the best way to learn about the more than 100 speakers who will take part in the 25 events scheduled during the three days of Campus.
The app, developed for Android and iOS, is completely free and includes all the information you need to know about the City as a Service conference.