9th October 2015
08:00 – 09:00 [SALA DE SETA]
10:00 – 13:00 [SALA DE SETA]
The Plenary Session is the main event of the day; it’s open to all participants and organized by PUSH in collaboration with its partners.
The City as a Service Plenary Sessions will focus on best practices, current urban challenges, relevant policies and solutions adopted to ensure the transition to more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities.
Interdisciplinary researches upon methods, services and products are the key to develop sustainable and scalabile solutions for better cities.
Simone Tulumello / AESOP Young Academics Network
Simone Tulumello (PhD Urban and Regional Planning at University of Palermo) is Post-doc Researcher (Planning, Geography) at the University of Lisbon, Institute of Social Sciences, and member of Coordination Team of AESOP Young Academics. His research interests are: critical urban studies, planning theory/cultures, urban security, urban futures, neoliberalization and geography of crisis, Southern Europe.
Salvatore Di Dio / PUSH
Born in 1983, his background is in engineering and sustainable architecture. He has worked in international studios and research groups and he is Ph.D. with a thesis on creativity and design for urban and social innovation in disadvantage contexts. He is “Ines Bajardi Studio” designer and “The Piranesi Experience” founder.
Maurizio Carta / University of Palermo
Maurizio Carta is currently the Coordinator of the bachelor and master’s degrees in “Urban and Regional Planning”; he is deputy president of Scuola Politecnica, deputy director of the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo and delegate to territorial development. He leads and he is the scientific manager of the “Smart Planning Lab”, an applied research branch for planning and designing smart cities and communities.
Giuseppe Compagno / STMicroelectronics
Giuseppe Compagno graduated in Electronic Engineering in 1995 at the University of Palermo. Married with 2 children, he works since 20 years at STMicroelectronics. After covering different managerial roles, in 2008 he takes over the management of STMicroelectronics R&D Center located in Palermo where he coordinates the R&D activities in the areas of advanced circuital design, electronic testing of microcontrollers and System-on-chip devices for automotive applications.
Luigi Atzori / University of Cagliari
Luigi Atzori is Associate Professor of Telecommunications at the University of Cagliari, Fulbrighter (University of Arizona), visiting scholar in Telecom SudParis and founder of the spinoff GreenShare focused on ICT technologies to support smart mobility in urban areas. He is leading a laboratory dealing with Internet of Things and Quality of Experience issues, which are topics studied to design distributed applications to make the environment smart and user-aware. Since more than ten years, he is serving as reviewer for the European Commission.
Virginia Filippi / E-Care
Virginia, married with two children, graduated in Rome, has a Cambridge Master in Marketing. She worked for 12 years in Procter&Gamble. Founding member of Value Creation Team Company since 2000, she worked with RAI and the Italian Football Federation. She is Director of numerous boards of companies, national and international entities. From November 2010 to September 2011, she was chairman of the listed company, Retelit, operating in the field of broadband communications. Since 2010, she is CEO of E-Care.
Carlo Maria Medaglia / Link Campus University
Carlo Maria Medaglia is graduated in Physics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and he’s Ph.D. in Remote Sensing. He worked in several international research centres and he has been visiting professor in different campus, such as Wisconsin-Madison, Mariland – Baltimore County and Washington – Seattle. He founded and coordinated the scientific labs of CATTID at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and he’s professor of the Ph.D. course of Interaction Design of ISIA in Rome. He’s now executive of the Research Department at Link Campus University and Scientific Director of the Research Centre Dasic. He often works with the public administration. He’s also a startupper and a Seed Angel for more than 20 startups.
Graziano Leuzzi / Cisco
Since 2006 he is responsible for Cisco in Public Sector Market, in Southern Italy. He hold a degree in Computer Science – University of Bari (1996) and he is passionate about IT since he was 14 years old. Working hard for innovation in ICT, his goal and desire is to take part in digital transformation in Southern Italy, collaborating with public entities, private companies and startups. He is father of a typical “big Italian family”.
/ Q & A
14:00 – 15:00 [BOTTEGA #3 – BOTTEGA #4 – RIDOTTO DE SETA]
This Session is organized along partners’ constituent groups, in which urban thinkers will debate and brainstorm with their peers on the theme of the Campus. The Constituent Group Drafting Sessions provide a space for members of the constituencies to be on the same page in terms of policy and advocacy. These sessions should ultimately produce detailed and comprehensive position documents, which can inform the New Urban Agenda.
During the Palermo Urban Thinkers Campus there will be four Constituent Group Drafting Sessions:
All the groups will meet during the first two days of the Campus; in order to join a specific group, you need to register at the Campus Infopoint located at the entrance of the Sala De Seta. Constituent Groups are open only for World Urban Campaign’s partners.
Urban Thinkers Sessions are frontal or interactive sessions of two hours. They are composed by lectures of 15-30 minutes each, proposed by different speakers, on a specific topic.
Urban Labs are thematic workshops of two hours; they are more practical, concrete, experimental than Sessions. Labs will allow participants to explore new practices and innovative models, to stimulate debate and encourage the creation of new ideas.
Parallel Sessions and Labs are open to a limited number of participants (from 30 to 50) and they can all be booked via Eventbrite. Check the schedule below and get your tickets.
15:00 – 17:00
[Bottega #4]
How to rethink urban spaces to be welcoming, environmentally-friendly and able to foster positive relationships among people.
Giacomo Biraghi / Secolo Urbano
Francesco Lipari / OFL Architecture
Lorenzo Tomasi / CNR
Organized by PUSH
[Institute Francais]
How peculiar residual urban matters can acts as urban regeneration tools, increasing their social and architectural dimension.
Zeila Tesoriere / University of Palermo
Renzo Lecardane / University of Palermo
Manfredi Leone / University of Palermo
Organized by University of Palermo
[Goethe Institut]
The role of urban agricolture, sustainable food and nutrition education in tomorrow’s urban communities.
Alberto Biondo / Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci
Stefano La Barbera / Last Minute Sotto Casa
Giuseppe La Farina / CESIE
Claudia Rizzo / Orto Capovolto
Organized by PUSH
15:00 – 16.00 [Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia]
The different local and global aspects of urban art: a semiotic, geographical and political point of view.
Mauro Filippi / PUSH
Marco Mondino / University of Palermo
Luisa Tuttolomondo / IUAV University of Venice
Organized by PUSH
16:00 – 17:00 [Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia]
The session will host the keynote presentations of the innovative services developed by the teams during PUSH’s Intensive School.
Domenico Schillaci / PUSH
Organized by PUSH
[Bottega #3]
Practices of social innovation are emerging in the cities. How to detect them? Which lessons for urban policy? How to enable new city makers?
Claudio Calvaresi / Avanzi
Elena Donaggio / Avanzi
Organized by Avanzi
17:00 – 19:00
[Institute Francais]
The relationship between urban development planning, governance and citizens engagement leading to a positive transformation.
Irem Ayranci Onay / Freelance researcher
Lorenzo Lunardo / Renurban
Gianmaria Socci / Ines bajardi & Partners
Valentina Vaccaro / University of Palermo
Organized by PUSH
[Goethe Institut]
A space for critical debate on relations between technology (and ICTs), bottom-up organization, radical practices (in informal settings) and urbanization.
Anthony Boanada Fuchs / University of Sao Paulo
Vanessa Boanada Fuchs / University of Sao Paulo
Leonora Grcheva / UN-HABITAT
Michele Vianello / International Balkan University
David Behar / Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Prince Karakire Guma / Technische Universität Darmstadt
Organized by AESOP Young Academics Network
[Bottega #3]
The workshop aims at exploring the potential of marketplaces as neighbourhood hubs for services and short chain food distribution.
Daniela Patti / Eutropian
Levente Polyak / Eutropian
Organized by Eutropian
[Bottega #4]
#InstaGardensLab:community gardens turn viral. A shooting lab to investigate how urban regeneration can become viral through #SocialNetworks.
Chiara Lentini / Urban Talent Lab
Laura Nigro / Urban Talent Lab
Sergio Tarquinio / Urban Talent Lab
Benedetto Tarantino / Urban Talent Lab
Organized by Urban Talent Lab
The Palermo Urban Thinkers Campus mobile app is the best way to learn about the more than 100 speakers who will take part in the 25 events scheduled during the three days of Campus.
The app, developed for Android and iOS, is completely free and includes all the information you need to know about the City as a Service conference.