Dr. Katleen Gabriels is Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology in Netherlands. She is specialized in computer ethics. Her teaching focuses on ethics of technology. In her research, she investigates the relations between morality and contemporary technologies. Katleen is an elected steering committee member of Ethicomp, the international organization around ethical computing.
Founder and CEO of Spaziottantotto, an innovative enterprise at I3P; member of several supervisory bodies, coordinating director of training courses in accreditation with piedmont regional authority, consultant for occupational health and safety and data protection, MS in Computer engineering (Turin Polytechnic) and in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (UIC).
Roberta Filippone is a consultant in the privacy and data protection field, as well as a PhD student in Human Rights at Palermo University. Her research focuses on algorithmic discrimination and the role of data protection law. She graduated in Law from Palermo University and specialized in Law and Technology (LL.M.) at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. She is interested in technological developments and their impact on fundamental rights and freedoms.