02 Jul We’ll meet again!
Dear Community, the MUV Research Project expired on May 30th.
This is our last news after a 3-year journey together.
From 2017 to 2020, PUSH guided a consortium of 14 partners from 8 different countries in Europe in a research project aimed to change commuting habits through a game that mixes digital and physical experiences.
We would like to thank all of the MUVers who have done during these years an incredible job.
We inform you that we will permanently delete your personal data (name, surname and email) by the end of July.
Rounding out the final dissemination, we invite you to visit the MUVigator, the how-to Guide to promote a safe and sustainable urban mobility for communities all over the world.
Our efforts to try to promote new more sustainable and healthy habits are ongoing… We are thrilled to officially announce that MUV Research Project has become a benefit corporation to push further MUV’s sustainable change!
Visit us at muvgame.com